Sunday, September 22, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Read The Economist - Computers in Everyday Objects

Article: How the World Will Change As Computers Spread Into Everyday Objects

Great article on how "the “Internet of Things” will fundamentally change the relationship between consumers and producers"

Also Read: 
Buisness Insider: What is the "Internet of Things"?
Business2com: Four Internet-Of-Things Trends
WIRED explains "What is the Internet of Things?" Counting the Internet of Things in Real Time

internet-of-things  iStock  Askold Romanov WIRED mag

Sunday, September 8, 2019


Welcome to the 

AP Computer Science Principles 

Pilot BP41 & BP42 course at HCAM!

I'm so glad to have you along for this adventure - a NC DPI released year-long, 2 credit, pilot course. We will be integrating innovative and timely material into our AP CSP course for a robust and engaging curriculum. Check in here regularly for posts and links to related materials and sites.